Friday, July 6, 2012

Home Groups

The Christian faith is about relationships. When a religious leader once asked Jesus what he thought was the most important commandment, Jesus said, "Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength (your whole self) and love your neighbor as yourself. The reason Jesus came was to open a new path to relationship with God. That's primary and most important in the Christian life. But the second is like it and important as well. To love others, we have to know them and their needs. Too often we don't form significant relationships in our busy and individualistic lifestyles. At King of Kings, our vision is to create small groups that gather weekly so those relationships can be formed. We have one group that meets on Thursdays, and want to start others. If you'd like to be part of a small group that meets for fellowship, Bible study, sharing, and prayer, let me know and we'll find a way for you to do that. Fr Jon 941-380-5010

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Let's talk

Checking the stats on this blog, a little over 800 hits have occurred. If you're just checking us out for the first time, give me a chance to chat with you. I'd be happy to answer any questions or if you have needs, perhaps we could help. We're not a large congregation with lots of programs. We worship on Sunday, and have a small group meeting in a home on Thursday evenings. Our vision is to create a whole network of small groups that together form the fabric of our community. The Charismatic Episcopal Church incorporates three streams or church "styles" into it's life: the liturgical (creeds, communion every Sunday), the evangelical (the Bible is authoritative, personal relationship with God is important and necessary), and the charismatic (praise music, expression of gifts-- tongues, prophecy, healing, etc). That's quite a combination, and you know what, it works! It's a win-win-win. Sometimes in a marriage, for example, one spouse was raised in a liturgical style church (Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopal, etc) and the other spouse grew up in a Pentecostal style. What to do? If that's your situation, Perhaps the CEC model would work for you. If you've made it this far and none of this makes much sense or matters to you, but you're searching for answers to spiritual issues or life problems, we'd love to have an opportunity to meet you where you are, and seek God's solutions with you. God bless, Fr Jon +

Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's nice to be known

Large churches have advantages. There are usually lots of programs to choose from if you're interested.

But it's also fairly easy to be just a face in the crowd and not be missed if you don't show up for worship. Some people like the anonymity and like to slip in and out without being detected. But wherever you attend the call of the gospel is to be involved and use your gifts as God inspires you.

For some this works better in a smaller congregation. If that's you, then perhaps King of Kings would be a good fit. We won't embarrass you, but we'll know you're there, and you'll find a warm welcome.

Consider joining in worship with us on Sunday morning or come to our home fellowship onThursday evenings. Call or email for directions,etc.


Fr Jon